Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The look

Ok.. so I told myself I was done after blog #3 but I lied!! I can't ever go to sleep before 2 am anyways so why not write about whats on my mind. I usually do my blogging after hours anyways so I'll just keep on truckin.

I don't to often take all 3 kids out on my own. Not because its like running a triathlon... but simply because there is always someone here to watch 1 or 2, or there is always someone to go with me and help. But really.... it is like running a triathlon. Use your imagination and figure out where all 3 kids will go. If I forget the moby (like I did today)... the car seats gotta go in the cart which leaves no room for anything in the basket and leaves no room for child #1. Get it?? So Madelynn usually ends up walking. Two year old walking through the store= disaster. Everything is new, and fun, and exciting and 2 year olds (even the best of 'em) don't always listen to their momma's... and at times they even might get lost. Maybe even pull all the shoes outta the boxes and make a disaster zone in the shoe dept. Those things may or may not have happened today. Sometimes, if I get smart, I bring the stroller in and push the stroller, pull the basket. But thats not all the time.

So I guess as you can imagine, I am quite the sight to see at the store.... and I get all sorts of looks. Rarely do I walk by someone and them not stare at me. Sometimes its nice, sometimes its a disgusted look. Sometimes people smile, sometimes people offer to help. Sometimes people say stuff like "wow you got your hands full" or "looks like a lot of work"... or my personal favorite, "are they all yours???" Ah that one makes me laugh. Today I heard a lady mumble to her friend "wow, I would stay at home if that were me"... and I thought to myself.... Really?? Would you??? I personally wanna make my kids lives as fun and exciting as I possibly can, so I want to take every opportunity I can to give them that. Even at such young ages. I could sit around all day and mope about this crazy life I have... or I can take it and live to the fullest. Sure I'm the phsyco lady walking through target dropping fruit snacks all over the floor as my 1 year old downs my coke... as my 7 week old screams his head off cuz his mother doesn't have a spare arm to feed him... as my 2 year old wonders off away from me. But hey, its what I've been givin so I'm gonna do all I can to take my 3 kids shopping with me and sit in the shoe aisle trying shoes on my girls for an hour. Sure, a 30 minute quick trip to target by myself turned into 3 hours with my kids. But hey, we did something fun!! I got to take my girls shopping for clothes and shoes. I got to let Madelynn pick out the shoes she wanted. Payton LOVES shoes so she had so much fun trying on different shoes.

When all is said and done, I am sweating my butt off (it is a workout) and I feel good about what I just accomplished!! That is such a mom thing. Some people feel good when they get a raise, or when they get a promotion at work... or if you get a new job. I feel like I conquer mount everest every time I have a successful outing with all 3 kids . The feeling that only another mom would know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Silly bandz

(blog #3)

Silly bands. Have you heard of 'em??? What the point is of them, I'll never know. I guess you could compare them to pogs. Remember pogs??? When I was growing up, they were the "cool" thing as these silly bands have become. So my sisters, being of that age, are into silly bands and they are all over the house... and Madelynn has become obsessed with them!! She always has some on her wrists. It cracks me up. Today she went overboard and put every single one she could find in the girls' room on.

She even puts them on her things. Like buzz here... he's got the silly bandz going on. She brought it to me and asked me to put it on him.

I call Madelynn the little Diva. She is drama, princess, diva, girly girl. The other night I noticed she was sleeping kinda different so I pulled back her covers and she was like this:

Who sleeps like that??? None other than a diva. :)

I think Payton will be the opposite. She'll be the sports player, the tom boy, the goofy, could care less about what everyone thinks kinda girl.

ummm... hello???

(Rather than throwing a mile long post at you, I decided to split things up, so this is blog #2 of the day.)

I'm like totally in awe of how much faster life passes you by the more kids you have. I know I talk about this all the time so please forgive me as I ramble on about it a little more. I just wanna pick Stetson up and hold him and smell his sweet little newborn head and stare at him while I feed him his bottle because he is growing and growing. Pretty soon he'll be walking through the house and talking to me and his head will smell like a stinky boy head. Every time I pick him up I just savor the moment because it will be gone all to soon. I am trying so hard to hold on to the memories and enjoy the time I have with him as he is slowly becoming a new baby and taking the next step to getting older. It brings tears to my eyes every time. Not sure why I am feeling a little different about this one. Don't know if its because in the back of my mind I know there is a chance that he just might be the baby... or if I am just realizing how special the time is with him and what he is going to grow up to be. Anyways... with that said, Stetson is now 7 weeks old, and he weighs a whopping 9.5 lbs. Thats some pretty good eatin seeing as he was 5.11 when he was born!! I just don't remember the girls growing this fast. He is already taking 6 Oz.'s... Madelynn didn't take that much until she was like 8 months old!!

2 weeks

7 weeks

He is trying to hold his head up so bad and loves to up when he is awake. So I got the bumbo out and he had his first go in the bumbo.

Madelynn's first time in the bumbo
Little baby Payton.

Anyways. As my Stetson seems to be growing bigger and bigger, my Madelynn seems to be going the opposite direction. She has recently been reminded of her baby days and is regressing in the paci department. At first she would get it and just chew on it and play with it and I didn't mind that... then I realized she was slowly starting to suck on it a little more each time. Then it became a scream fest when you took it from her... and it continues to be. That has been a bummer for me. I just wanna let her have it and be a baby again. I had no clue she would actually remember and want that again. It has definitely become quite the issue around here!!
She gets it and goes and sits in his swing, or she'll go crawl in the bassinet!!! Isn't that just awful?? I did the stupid of all stupids and took a picture so she thought she was being cute and asked me to take a picture again as she sucked on it. But how could I have passed this up??

When she realizes she is caught, she takes it out real quick and puts it behind her back like she is innocent. It is amazing how at the age of 2 she has that sinful nature. Any advice on this issue would be welcome!!!

Granny Great

Nat was home for a visit so we enjoyed time with him. Its always nice to have that 'ol guy around. He's a keeper. We did a lot of visiting while he was here and stayed pretty busy. I always like to pack in as much as I can while he is here so that I can have his help with the kids. That's mean of me. Poor guy works umpteen million hours and comes home and wants to rest and his 'ol hag of a wife makes him do tons of stuff. Oh well... I still think he'll be back his next days off. :) I did let him sleep in tho.

We went to visit Granny. She hadn't seen Stetson yet.. and of course she wanted to see Nat.

First outift I bought him when I found out I was having a boy. Its says "I'm a monster" and has a little monster truck on the side. I thought it fit him just fine seeing who his daddy is.

"Hi Granny Great, I'm going to terrorize my daddy just as he did to you"
I just know that's what Stetson is thinking.

This is Granny's (btw, Granny is Nat's grandma) roommate. I can't remember her name for the life of me. But they used to live at the Rio Concho manor together and she recently moved to the nursing home where granny lives and they were able to be roomed together so that was pretty cool. I think she has been good friends with Granny for a long time... and she has known Nat and his family for just as long. She is a sweet ol lady.

Sharon takes the girls up there quiet often to visit Granny great and they just fit right in. It was neat to see how in tune they were with Granny and her friend. I'm so glad that they are able to be around older people as they grow up. They were checking out her feet.

such a sweet picture.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Just wanted to give an update on life right now... well mostly Nat's life since you know all about my children's lives.

I have lots of people asking me about Nat and how he is doing.. and also have lots of people asking about the house.... and I'm here to tell you all about it. Please don't be offended if you find out information from my blog. THIS is my way of communicating with you and letting you in on our lives.... and Nat doesn't have ANY spare time to keep people up to date. He hardly ever calls me... and doesn't even call his own mother for heavens sake. (I have gotten onto his for this... and appologized on his behalf to his mom.) :)

Nat is doing fan-tastic!! Other that having to be away from his family he is having the time of his life. This is his dream job!! I remember when we were barely, barely dating, he went on a trip to New Mexico with his family and (not sure if I have mentioned this, but his brother who lives in NM works for this same company Nat does) he was riding along with his brother while working and Nat just fell in love with the job. He wrote me a little note while he was there (which I still have) and talked all about it and how he would love to one day be able to work for Pason. He has been trying to get on with them since we were first married, and has always just had a passion for this.

Basically, in a nut shell... (and it has taken me awhile to figure all this out... and I still basically know nothing about what he does.) Pason sells their "stuff", stuff being computer stuff, smart stuff, make the oil field guys jobs much easier because everything they need to know is read by things and on a computer for them to see- type stuff. Make sense??? I know, doesn't make sense to me either.. but I am trying!!

So Nat's job is to install, un-install, fix anything and everything that goes wrong with Pason's "stuff". He has been riding with a "mentor" (his brother) for a little over a month now and on Thursday, he got his own rigs and is now on his own!! I am so proud of him for how good he is doing. He talks to me about it non stop (and I am usually so very lost.) He loves to drive which is a lot of what this job is. Driving miles and miles to the location, then driving out on dirt roads for miles and miles till you get to oil rig stay for another couple hours and fix stuff... that's right up Nat's alley... fixing stuff. He loves to take stuff apart and figure it all out and put it all back together... and I might add that he is pretty awesome at fixing anything that you put in front of him. Anyways... he has 5 of his own rigs right now, which just to show you how good he is at what he does, they usually start out with 3! As he progresses and gets faster and better at what he has to do he'll get more rigs.

and don't tell him I put this picture on here...
Thats what you get for NEVER letting me take your picture my love.

He has gained 10 lbs since he started working there 2 months ago!!! Little bitty Nat who could NEVER gain a pound no matter how much he tried, gained 10 POUNDS!!!! lol. I like to tease him about it. He is still perfect if you ask me. He really LOVES the fact that he gained weight. He has literally been TRYING (who TRIES to gain weight!??!) his whole life.

The house- They accepted most of our offer. There was one thing they turned down.. but thats alright with us. Me and the kids headed down there on Thursday so I could sign some papers and get the ball rolling. Were excited and can't wait!!! Just hope that everything goes smooth and we don't have any bumps in the road with all the stuff that goes with buying a house.

I lied.... here's an update on us too. The infamous question I have been asked over and over "how are you gonna travel down there alone with all the kids?!?!" Has been answered. My response was always "I have no idea!!!" cuz seriously, 3.5 hours in the car with a 2 year old who pees every 30 minutes, a 1 year old who hates to get in her carseat and drive around the block, and a 6 week old who is a 6 week old, sounds like one heck of a trip. But amazingly it went wonderful. Stopped once for a potty fake (ya know, the -I'm bored and gotta go potty- times) and one time for a real potty break, and to feed the little man. We made it in 3 hourse and 45 minutes. Pretty good timing if you ask me. The girls played and laughed most of the way down there. So that was a huge blessing. When one or the other fell asleep, the other didn't know what to do. It was sweet. Stetson does great! All he wants to do is eat and he travels well. It was fun to look in the rear view mirror and see the girls playing hearing them laugh together.

We had a fun time with Nat. This time around, Madelynn was SO excited so see him, and she actually treated him well and loved on him. That made the whole trip just a tad easier. Her not liking him in the past did a number on him, which made it hard for me.. which you know the saying... "If momma ain't happy.... " Anyways... we had a lot of fun together. Just all of us being together was nice. We hung out in the hotel a lot. Nat got called out on several service calls so he was gone some of the time.. but thats alright. We also took the girls to the park one evening.

Nat and his mini me. Goodness, could they look any more alike?!?!

sweet little Madelynn and her "cheese" face

My stetsy-boy turned 6 weeks on Friday. How in the heck has it been 6 weeks. He is just turning into such a handsome boy! Ugh I just love him to pieces. He is already taking 5 oz.'s and is getting so chubby. I'm so excited. I've never had a chubby baby... and I think he might be my only hope!! Not that he is even that chubby... just chubbier than the other 2 I have.

Payton in a nutshell...

There was an open field behind our hotel and we took the girls out to run around and get some energy out.
Nat took this picture for our nephew.
Cash!!! Uncle Nat wanted to take this picture just for you!!! He knew that you would like it. I think he said it was a crane??? but I bet you would know better than I would. :) Uncle Nat loves you and misses you!!

We took the girls to the park and Madelynn immediately went directly to this:

Thats high... and falling from such heights can cause damage. So the protective, mother bird in me had a heart attack...

...and I had a stroke when my 1 year old, my clumsy, trip over nothing, I have 3 bruises on my head, 3 scratches down the side of my face, and a swollen, red eye, 1 year old followed her big sister right up the steps.

They both snuck up a couple times while neither Nat, nor I was up there and all I could think of was them falling out the back side that is open. But they had so much fun.

"cheeeeeeeeeese momma"

I love dirt!!!

she is really into playing "kikaboo" as Madelynn would say.

even Stetson had a grand 'ol time.

We really enjoyed our visit with Nat.. I cannot wait till were together again. I know you've heard me say that before. Closing on the house will be Oct. 29th.. so that was kind of a bummer that we'll still be apart that much longer. Nat has a lot of days off coming up so I'm excited that he'll be here a lot.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My baby girl.

The more children you have, the more one may get overlooked.... In my case, its Madelynn. Its been on my mind that I need to blog about her and where she is at right now in life. I am loving watching her grow up and learn new thing She is growing up soooooooooooooo fast!! Its like all the sudden she is a real, talking person. Like you can sit down and carry on a conversation with her. Its amazing how just overnight this has happened. Every single day she will say something out of this world and I find myself totally in denial that she knows how to talk like that. I don't mean talk in a bad way... I just mean how in the heck does she know what she is saying?? Just goes to show how much her little 2 year old brain is sucking in every single word, and detail she sees and hears on a daily basis. I have so enjoyed watching her transition from a baby to a person. Nat was amazed by how much she is talking just since the last time he saw her a week ago.

I think its so awesome, the teeny tiny details God put into her. Its like connecting the dots. I see these little things in my kids that make us, as a family, work-able. Things that probably no one sees but me and God. I see how mature, and nurturing, and mommy like my little 2 year old is. Most 2 year olds are reeking havoc on their momma's lives ( and don't get me wrong... she does mine to from time to time).. but most 2 year olds don't have a 1 year old sibling, and a 1 month old sibling. So I see that God has made my Madelynn the way she is because He knew that I would need a lot of help and support as I stay home raise these children. Sometimes Madelynn is what gets me through the long days... I often find myself wondering how I would be doing this if it weren't for her. Madelynn is always up for helping me with anything. She'll bring me the remote when she wants to watch a movie and she knows Im busy feeding Stetson and can't get up. She takes stuff to the trash for me. Gets diapers, and wipes for me. Tends to Payton when she needs help doing something.. like getting in and out of doors, Madelynn will grab Payton's hand and help her. Helps me with Payton when Payton isn't exactly being cooperative and she knows my hands are full with Stetson. She is a sweet, precious little thing to her sissy 98% of the time. She has such a soft, sweet, caring heart.

Payton is usually off in her own little crazy world... gettin into everything. She is the typical "middle child". God made her crazy, and so full of life, and so happy because that fits her. Had she been first in line, life would be just a tad more difficult because she is not a "helper" so to speak, and that is perfectly alright!! Where would we be without that girl?? God knew she would make us laugh. She puts a little spunk in our lives that no one else can.

I look at the little things like that and just smile at God for putting such detail into my girls.

Don't know much about the little man yet... I do know that he is a momma's boy and he likes to be nice and close to me all hours of the day. I also know that he fits right in with us. I can already tell you right now that he is absolutely loved and adored by his sisters. Those girls have loved him since the day he came home. Never a sense of jealousy from either of them. Only love and kisses from them. Makes my heart smile when I see them interact. I know that one day he'll more than likely be in dress up clothes... and will probably play barbies once or twice in his lifetime... but where would those girls be without their bubba???

It all just works and it goes to show the thought, and effort, and perfection God puts into his children.

When I think of God sitting up there in heaven making each person special in their own little way, and perfecting every single little detail. I am often reminded of something I have heard my mother-in-law say from time to time. "If I had had Nat first, there would be no Karl" He knew when he made my special little hellion of a husband that he needed to be #2 because he would one day drive his mother to drinkin (not really..... Not that we know of anyway. ) (lol. JUST KIDDING.) Had Karl been like Nat, then there would be no Nathaniel. There would be no me. There would be nothing for me to blog about. Wouldn't that be just awful?????? :)

Look for the detail in your life, and thank God for it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Like running a marathon.

Only harder. No, not really. I wouldn't really know what running a marathon is like. But I think that this could compare. You know that thing they call a bath.... well I am finding that with 3 young, small, needy children, bath time gets overlooked from time to time. Nine O'clock rolls around and your like so ready for bedtime you just totally don't care that your child really could use a good scrubbin'. Then there are times when I'm like ok... seriously, its time for a bath, so I throw them all 3 in the tub and we begin the assembly line: wet Stetson's hair. Wet Payton's hair, Wet Madelynn's hair. Shampoo down the line, rinse down the line. Make sure no one drowns down the line. Wrestle Madelynn so I can condition her hair. Bathe, rinse and so on and so on. It is quite the "marathon" in my book.

Miss Independent usually wants to wash her own hair, but can't get the long part... so her and I go round and round till I get the back of her head... making bath time that much more crazy

she also likes to help with Payton.. which is helpful until the soap gets outta control

like so.

Then you gotta get them out one at a time. First Stetson, then back for Madelynn, then back for the crazy one. Line 'em up on the bed.

(Just a little flashback moment...)
my how they've grown... and gained a brother.

Lotion everyone up, put diapers on 2, wrestling with all your might with 1 in particular... I'll let you figure that one out. Panties on the other. Everyone's PJ's on, continue to wrestle with one in particular while she laughs and thinks its a fun 'ol game. Comb everyone's hair, hang towels up, let bath water out and pick up bath toys. Brush the girls teeth. Give Payton her medicine. Go make a bottle for Payton, and a bottle for Stetson. Then begins bed time. Pray, read books, sing songs and wind down. At the end of allll this, I am sweating, exhausted, and ready to hit the hay myself. So that, my friends, is why bath time sometimes gets overlooked.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A shout out...

To my main man, my love, my husband, the daddy to my babies, our provider, protector, and our comfort. I LOVE YOU BABY and I am thankful for the 3 years God has given us together. Its been the best 3 years of my life. Hardest 3 years of my life, and most fulfilling 3 years of my life, and I can't wait to spend many, many, many more with you

On August 24th, Nat and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary.... and I just realized that I never said a thing about it. As we have with all of our anniversaries before, we had a newborn baby to celebrate with us...

Our first anniversary, we had a 1 month old and being new parents and all, we weren't to hip on leaving our new baby for a long time (now on number 3, were pretty hip on leaving them ALL for however long that precious angel of a person will watch them.)

With number 2, she was born on the 21st of August and me having major surgery that day, there wasn't much goin to outback for a steak dinner goin on for our anniversary, 3 days later...

and numero trece, well he was approximately 18 days old, Nat was approximately 210 (to be exact) miles away and I was approximately recovering from a very traumatic delivery. So once again, no dinner at Olive Garden, no trip to the movies, no wal mart date for us.

However, things are looking way up for next year. I am NOT going to be pregnant (I think I've said that a time... or 2), nor will I have another child. I'm going to plan the get away of all get aways... matter of fact, I've already been thinking about it. Is that ridiculous or what??

Anyways........ so you get me drift. Our anniversaries have been pretty full of children and have been pretty overlooked. (but thats alright.. I wouldn't have changed it for the world, like I told Nat, they're a rather large part of our being married 3 years.) I think that anniversaries are a pretty big milestone in life. In today's society where divorce is such a common thing, celebrating another year together is like looking divorce, and satan in the face and laughing... and I am so proud to do so. I'll admit, this was by far the hardest year for us but we kept on truckin through the hard times and we came out in the end a better couple with a stronger marriage.... and I can't even say enough about the 3 little gifts that God gave to Nat and I the 3 years that we've been married. What a blessing they are.

Here's to many more years together babe. I love you to pieces and thank God for that fateful day back in 7th grade when he brought you into my life. What a ride its been since then. Wouldn't wanna share it with anyone but YOU!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Well... it seems the saying is true. Home is where your heart is... and my heart in in New Mexico. Me and Stetson made a trip to visit with our daddy and look for us a place to live... and Lord willing, we found one!!!! I went down there Wednesday afternoon and we just kinda hung out for a bit and Nat took me to look at this one house that him and his brother had seen while working.

On Thursday, we met with a realtor and she gave us a list of homes to go look at that would be in our price range. We drove around all day looking at the houses and not a one stuck out to either of us... and we were at the end of our list. Nat and I both have this vision of living out in the country, havin a few acres and eventually one day possible getting a horse or 2. Maybe some chickens. So if were gonna go all in and buy a house, THAT is what we are going to want... and THAT was not anywhere on the list. So this in town business just wasn't going to cut it for us. So at the end of our list, we just kinda looked at each other and said "what now????"

This house that Nat and I looked at the night before was on the list of homes for sale... and it was (thankfully) way below our limit. The only reason it wasn't highlighted to look at was because it was only 2 bedrooms. We decided to go back out there and look at the house again just for kicks, and Nat immediately started talking about what he would do to fix things up. The night before he told me that he just felt like this was the one, at the time, I didn't tell him that I felt the same exact way. I just can't explain it. I guess its that feeling that I prayed for.

So we called the realtor and told her that we really were liking this house and she told us we could come get the key and come out and look at the inside. So that we did... and although it is only 2 bedrooms, we just got more and more excited as we walked through the house. It is just a sweet little house. It is a tad bigger than our old house. It has 2 bathrooms which is a way awesome plus!!! A bathroom IN my bedroom. :)

Anyways.. so it is on an acre of land right outside of a town, with no one on either side. There are people behind us a ways but thats it. The realtor said that she knows the people who own the land to the right of us, which is 4 acres, and that she would ask them if they might be interested in selling part, or all to us. Nat was so excited about that. Nat went in and made an offer yesterday so were hoping that they accept it and we can get going with buying it. Were both rally excited. The house has a lot of potential and I can't wait to get goin' on getting things fixed up like we want them (if everything works out.)

I'll show some more pics when we find out for sure if we get it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

One month, Busted face, Nat's visit.

Little man was one month old yesterday!!! Crazy to think he was due to be born today. That month flew by faster than any other months in my lifetime. That's sad. BUT, we are enjoying him so much! He is just another perfect little baby. Eats, sleeps, and poops.
-He is starting to come alive a little more.
-Starting to follow stuff with his eyes.
-drinks 4 oz's and is a PIG!!
-wears NB diapers still
-FINALLY fits good in NB clothes.
-Around 6 o'clock in the evening, he gets a little fussy and wants to be held. I usually put him in the moby, which is his favorite place to be. Nice and close to his momma. I am so glad I bought one of those. That seems to be my life saver when toting 3 kids around.
-Has slept from 10 until 6:45 three times in his life time.. could it be??????? could I have a child that just might sleep through the night early on in his life??????? Me and God both know I could sure use that!!!!!!!!!
-Has filled out faster than the girls ever did. I can look at him and see how he has filled out. Nat was surprised this weekend when he came home and saw how big Stetson was.

This boy is spoiled and loved rotten!!

Busted face
You know how in every family there is usually that one child who is the accident prone one??? In my family, it might be a tie with me and my brother. I definitely think I have been the "stupid" accident prone one, where as he has just had things happen to him. Like a fish hook in the head, a bug flying in his ear and having to be removed. When I say "stupid" accident prone one, I mean slipping on a slide and hurting my arm, cutting a frozen bagel and stabbing myself in the hand, sitting on a broken glass cup, and things of that nature. Anyways... so I think I have decided (and I hope I am right cuz I would sure hate to see Stetson be worse than her) that little miss Payton is the little dare devil spirited, accident one. She has been walking since she was 9 months old and I can't even begin to tell you how many times a day she falls. There has never been a day that she hasn't had a bruise on her head, a busted lip or a scratch on her body. She falls and trips over EVERYTHING, and sometimes nothing. This weekend she tripped and fell flat on her face on the cement. Nothing caught her but her face. Her nose swelled up and got really splotchy. It never bled.. just had a few bloody boogers that I sucked out. I could tell it was irritating her cuz she kept scrunching up her nose and breathing funny. But as far as we could tell it wasn't broken. Thank the Lord. She also busted her lip, and has since fallen and busted it again. Can you imagine how bad that hurt?? I feel so bad for that girl. She hurts herself too much.

swelling on the bridge of her nose.

you might not be able to see the swelling like I can. Ya know, because I look at her every day and know what her nose usually looks like. :)

Payton gets a little goofy when I get the camera out so pardon the her goofy facial expressions.

Poor thing.

Nat's Visit
This past week, Nat was back in CO. for a second training for his job. He flew into to Midland on Saturday and I went there to meet him and hang out for a few hours before he had to go back to New Mexico. We were eating at Cracker Barrel and his boss man called him and told him to take the rest of the day (sat) and Sunday off and spend time with his family and to be at work Monday morning. So that was a nice surprise. I could have given the boss man a big hug for letting Nat come home for the weekend. We enjoyed just hangin out and relaxing. He left early yesterday morning. Saying goodbye just never gets any easier!! I really thought it would get easier as time goes on, but it doesn't. I think it would be alright if it was just me and him, but when he says bye to the kids, it breaks my heart into a billion pieces. I know that Madelynn will have to re-let him into her life next time she sees him, which upsets him to no end, and I know it is killing him missing the first part of Stetson's life. Payton usually makes it pretty easy on him, but she is kinda at that age where she just doesn't know what's going on. BUT, I have some good/horrible/sad news. I am going down there tomorrow so we can look for a house. :) :/:(. I am so excited to get down there and start our new life and to be together again... but at the same time, my heart is breaking with the fact that we are leaving so many special people behind. Pray for us!! We really need to find the right house in the short amount of time I am able to go down there.

sweet girl, givin daddy kisses

daddy and his (tired) little ladies.

The Dawn

 I sent my 13 year old to 7th grade, my 12 year old to 5th grade, my 11 year old to 4th grade, and my 4 year old to pre-k4. After 13 years o...