ANYWAYS... so I had a fun filled time planned for us this time around. I always try to have something excited for us planned when Nat comes. All 3 of the kids took really good to Nat. I always worry about that. Mostly just Madelynn, but she did awesome this time around.
We went to the pumpkin patch, where the girls (mostly Madelynn) were pretty tired and fussy. They both pretty much were whiney unless they were being held. After awhile they both warmed up and had a good time.
It is simply IMPOSSIBLE to get a good picture of all 3 of them.
Pretty girl.
Madelynn's oh so lovely white pumpkin that SHE picked out.
The zoo... Where the weather could not have been any better! There was hardly any people there and the girls had a blast.
ok... so I win white trash award of the year. We totally forgot Payton's shoes at home and didn't realize it until we got to the zoo and went to put her shoes on her. This trip was 85% just for her (cuz she is REALLY into animals right now) so I wasn't about to make her sit in the stroller and not be able to get out and explore. So fortunately, I did have an extra pair of socks that I always carry in the diaper bag so she totally walked around in SOCKS!! It was funny, and ridiculous all at the same time. Oh well.. one of those things we'll always remember.

Nothing brings joy to my heart than to see my kids happy, smiling, and having the time of their lives.
and oh my soul... this girl. This precious little 2 year old girl. The girl, who 2 years ago stole my heart and made my dreams come true. This girl whom drives me absolutely INSANE and then 2 seconds later has her arms wrapped around my neck telling me she loves me. THIS picture... describes THIS girl so well. It goes a little something like this: "Madelynn hold momma's hand" .. "NO... I hold my own hand"... and so goes my little angel walking around the zoo, holding her own precious little hand. Strong willed?? Slighly. Stubborn??? Slightly. Adorable?? YEP.
A fall festival.
after playing many games, and having many melt downs over wanting a scuker and not getting one, she finally got one. and her face tells you all about it.
Payton listening to the guitar. The girls got an ear for music. We all walked away and realized she wasn't following us and turned around to see her dancing to the music. It was so sweet.
mister is just as happy as can be in someone arms.
Nat and I carved our pumkins, and Madelynn painted her pretty white one.
Our little pumpkin family. :)
Madelynn and Micalea dressed as 80's girls.
Wow, that was long!! So sorry, but if your still here THANKS for reading my blog and THANKS for your feedback. I appreciate each and every little comment I get about it. I LOVE to write and I LOVE my kids... so put the 2 together and I LOVE to blog about my kids. Through the ups and downs... Gotta remember all of it.
I'll keep ya updated on the house business. Looks like I'll just be on my toes this week waiting for that phone call that says to come sign your life away.