Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So part of living outside the city limits and having 60 acres of nothing around your house is the wildlife.... and I pretty much don't handle wildlife well. I will admit that 85% of the reason I married my love is for the sole purpose of killing things that don't belong in my house... or the outside of my house. I most definitely wouldn't call myself a girly girl..... but I am in the fact that I can't squish things. Maybe its my tender heart and not wanting to kill something. I just don't know... but I do know- wolf spiders don't belong in my children's bedrooms therefore, they must die. Therefore, I got married to this really awesome guy who does it for me.

Not really. Thats a joke. I married him cuz I dearly loved him and he was (is) my soul mate.... and I wanted to grow old with him... and wanted him to be the father of my children.. and I wanted to sleep next to him every night, and wake up next to him every morning. After all those more important reasons for marrying someone... I married him cuz he could kill things for me while I stand back, scream like a girl... then hug him, thank him and tell him he's my hero. Its true... thats what happens every time. ANYWAYS... this post isn't about why I love the man I married.... but I just needed to clear things up.

The girls have desperately needed to get out of the house... and here in NM, our life is dictated by the wind that day. If its crazy bad (85% of the time) then we don't go outside. Cuz really, who wants to go play outside and eat gallons of dirt, have your hair blown all over the place. Not I. Its pretty miserable and forces us to stay inside most days. I hear, this is the "windy" time of year and I'm hoping this wind will slow down a bit in the next few weeks.

This morning, after about 3 hours of sleep last night (for ALL of us) an extremely grouchy mom who needed to see the outside of the inside of her house headed out in the wind and went on a nature walk. I say nature walk cuz it ended up being that!

After stopping and eating a few pecans, we were drawn to a larger than life black thing moseying across the dirt road. Then I had a heart attack.. then I took its picture. I still can't think about it or look at it without my toes curling up and getting goose bumps.
YUCK! These things are just pain 'ol sick, and I'll quite possibly have nightmares about them. BLECHHH. Ok.. I'm done.

Then we walked..

and walked...
and I just have to document my middle child's choice of shoes. Someone gave us some hand-me- downs a while back and there were about 4 pairs (2 red, 2 black) of these dress shoes... and for awhile now, this is always Payton's choice of shoes when I tell the girls to go put their shoes on. Its so funny and one of those things you never wanna forget. How much she loved those shoe. It never fails either, always 1 black shoe and 1 red shoe.

Miss Priss bossin us around.

Then we have our 2 little bunny rabbits that are always hanging around the yard.

Then we found the strangest thing of all....
(In the hole that the dogs dug in my new garden.... ya. NOT talking about that. Still not over it)
a turtle?!?! There's like not an ounce of water anywhere around here so we were kinda wondering how a turtle found its way to our house... but after doing some research, I found out that there are desert turtles. Who knew. If this is even a desert turtle?? I really have no clue. Anyone know anything bout turtles??

excuse me as I bask in the hotness of my husbands hands. Mmmm I love those hands.. and to be quite honest, when I was taking the picture, I wasn't just wanting a picture of the turtle. ;) I know, I'm weird... its just one of those things I love about him. Hard workin, rough, cracked hands.

little man.

I really had a lot of fun taking pics of a LIVE object that didn't run from me.
Look at those hands(????) So neat.

Really such a fascinating animal

that is now our pet....


  1. I have a thing for Luke's hands too...and now that he does landscaping they're extra manly :) LOL



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