Sunday, July 17, 2011

Answered prayers.

Welp, as I've stated before, were leaving for 8 days to go on a cruise all alone! I am so, so, so, so, SO excited to spend A LOT of alone time with my honey. But.... at the same time I'll be leaving behind 3 pretty large chunks of my heart and soul, and although its a much needed/wanted/welcomed break for the both of us, I've still had to come to some pretty serious terms about leaving them for more than a week.... while we go out of the country. So I've turned to the only One who will give me the strength to do such a thing.... and as silly as this may sound, I feel like He threw a pretty hard week at us so we would be more than ready to go.

So, obviously, its been a bad week....... and strangely, I'm a bit thankful cuz I feel like I'm more than ready to head out for some mama and daddy time.

Nat's still goin hard at working sun up to sun down... and then some. The girls have been fighting constantly and have just been so unpleasant to be around. We've had a nasty yucky 24 hour virus hit us x4... and I think were finally over it. I feel like we haven't had one ounce of joy or happiness in our home this week!

.... I'd say the most exciting thing about our week would be the little somethin somethin that showed up in our back yard today.... The dogs were going BIZERK-O outside, I mean CRAZY!... they'll bark if a car drives up, or if they see a little something... but this was a deep down nasty growly bark that I heard all the way in the living room. I immediately knew something was out there that absolutely shouldn't be!! My first thought was a rattlesnake... then they kept going nuts so then I thought coyote! I was out there trying to see what they were barking at, staying close to the back door just in case it was something that might wanna eat me.... and then out walks a big white COW!

We saw a couple days ago that the cows had trampled the fence over and had come over to our pasture, which we didn't mind, except for the fact that there's no cattle guard or gate to stop them from going out our front entrance, down to the highway... but they're not our cows... so, whadya do?? This 1 little white cow has always steered closer to our house... and today she made the leap to our front yard and found Nat's lush green grass.... luckily Nat was close to the house so I called him to come home and, being the Hero that he is for me all the time, he got bessy back to her other cow buddies.

...and 4 seconds after she was re-united with her cow buddies (which was really sweet BTW... she moo-ed, they moo-ed... she moo-ed, they moo-ed, they all ran to her and had this sweet little reunion) she was back in our front yard eating the grass again... and my hero was gone back to work so I rounded up my 3 lil buckeroo's and we hopped in the suburban and ran her back over to her home... then it got dark and I haven't been out to see if she came back or not.
The End.

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