Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Growing up, it seems like all we want to do is move away and not be under our parents wings anymore. We want to make our own money. We want to pay our own bills. We want to prove that we can be independent.... then once you do all that, you figure out being on your own isn't all that its hyped up to be. Can I get an AMEN!?!? 
Well thats just me, personally. 
now, going home is where I wanna be. Of course, I have my own home here and I love it. I love to make my home a comfy place to be that people feel welcome in. I love to make my home perfect for my family. I hope that one day my kids will grow up and desire the comforts of home as I so do as an adult. 
We went to Angelo this weekend again. Nat helped his dad do a little work and I just spent most of the time hanging out at my parents house... and I was hit with this feeling. 
A feeling of warmth, comfort, good food, and love. I feel like I can let down my guard there.  I know my mom's good cookin is gonna hit the spot more than anything I can make, or anything any restaurant can make! I strive to make my home feel like this for my family. I hope I succeed as my mom has! 

Bottom line. As an adult we all need that place to go for a break from life. A break from parenting. A break from cooking. A break from cleaning. A break from everyday life. A place to go and let you guard down, and let somebody minister to you for once!


  1. I know what you mean. It's nice to be in a comfortable and loving place where you can be yourself and let your guard down. I want people to feel like that when they come to my house. That's why I'm so excited to have my OWN house. I can do whatever it takes to make it inviting. I'm super excited to get to do that finally.

  2. Aww. So glad I read your blog! As a parent, when you kids grow up and move away, you hope that how they were raised somehow has an impact on them. Thank you!


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