Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dear Lord, help me...

Ok.... so I know I already posted today, but I have to share what I just walked in on. Remember my last last post about my firstborn child and this new funky streak she's got goin on???

well its still goin...

From a big girl bed to potty training??? HA!! No thank you. Hope this is a one time deal.

And here is an adorable picture of her fully clothed. :)

Family pictures

Ok... so I did keep this to a minimum.... I promise. They were just all so beautiful!!!

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Her fathers child...

So this morning, I was doing the dishes and I realized that I had not heard from Madelynn in awhile so I went and looked for her. Looked all over the house and couldnt find her...

I eventually found her in our closet, in my scrapbook stuff, with a permanent marker.

This is something else that she has discovered.

and this....

This is just funny to me. Any time Im in the kitchen and I leave the fridge open for 2 seconds, there she is, taking everything out and lining it up and then putting it back. She'll sit there and do it for forever... of course, I stop her before forever happens cuz I dont wanna pay for it in the electric bill.

She has kept me on my feet for a few days now...

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Jedd and Payton

Cash and Madelynn. (ever tried to get pictures of a 14 month old and a 21 month old fighting over a balloon?? This is the best I could do.)

One day we'll be able to get a picture of the 4 of them. :)

blogging... or picturing

So for awhile now, I have been letting Madelynn feed herself with her spoon... and for awhile now, she really just would rather eat with her hands...
as you can see... the spoon always ends up on the floor

silly girl.

The other day, Micaela had her birthday party which means lots and lots of girls. She was in heaven with all the girls. It was funny. She didnt want any one else but one of them. She would go from girl to girl... reaching her arms out every time one would get close enough.

They did a little karaoke show... and Madelynn got involved...

It was funny.

and here is the sweet sweet little baby girl

sleepin on her sisters bed.

this is what happens when daddy and sister get a hold of her...

I cannot believe how big she already is!!

5 weeks old and she has already made many many trips to the mall.

She started givin us smiles this mornin. Im so excited!! Something new and sweet. Of course, the second I whipped my camera out she was done. I was telling Nat that when Madelynn was little, I wanted her to stay little for forever cuz as everyone know, newborns are sweet and cuddly and everyone loves a newborn baby... but with her, I want her to grow up and its cuz I know how much more fun and exciting and lively they get. I cant wait till her and Madelynn get to the same point in life, which I guess would be walking. Heck... maybe Payton will walk before Madelynn... who knows. :)

ok... so maybe Its not so much blogging as it is pictures... my apologies. Sometimes I like to talk... and sometimes I like to put a picture album up.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yesterday, we took Madelynn to the park.. something that I have waited and waited to do till she could walk... but we just crawled everywhere. That works.

The Dawn

 I sent my 13 year old to 7th grade, my 12 year old to 5th grade, my 11 year old to 4th grade, and my 4 year old to pre-k4. After 13 years o...