Friday, February 12, 2010

Strange man

Yesterday, I had just got outta the shower and the girls were napping so I did what I do just about every day at nap time... sit on the couch all by myself and watch dvr shows that I need to catch up on. This particular day I walk into the living room and see what seems to be a strange man peeking inside my window. The curtains are deep red, but when the sun is shining through, you can see shadows of things outside. I immediately notice this and I'm like ok... if someone is there, surely they will knock so I stand at the entrance to the living room waiting to hear a knock and I hear nothin. At this point I'm kinda freaking out cuz this tall man with a hat on keeps looking in my window. He would go back and forth from the window to the door... desperately trying to see more and more into my house. Some time passes and I am like seriously freaking out! So I start to think, what do I do??? I can A.) find another window where he cant see me and see who the heck it is.. but there is not another window that you can see the front door from, so that wasn't an option anymore. B.) Man up and walk across the living room, look out that window and hope its not someone who wants to hurt me... after all he is desperately looking in my window. or C.) call Nat and see if he knows something I dont know about and I need to answer the door... and if not, tell him there is a peeping tom and he needs to get his butt home and take care of it... but wait! my phone is at the other end of the couch... if I walk over there, he will surely see me and then lord knows what would happen. After I stood there a minute, contemplating what to do and absolutely scaring myself to death... I'm like ok... gotta get my phone and call someone. The cops, Nat, anyone for help!!! So I slowly and slyly go get my phone and much to my surprise I see a nice tall man with a hat on... looking somewhat like this:

A nice sweet balloon that says I love you.

Ok... can you say IDIOT!?!?! I couldn't even believe what I put myself through over a stinkin balloon. I just had to laugh at myself.


  1. that's probably one of the funniest posts i have ever read! ahhh hahahaha!!!! that was hilarious mera! i probably would of done the same thing.

  2. Oh wow! I was so scared for you and then I saw the balloon. At least you didn't call the police. I did! When I was pregnant with one of my many boys :) (yes that is the excuse we can use), I put some sodas in the freezer and forgot about them. Went to bed and about 6am I heard a real loud noise. Well, I woke right up and hid on the side of my bed. My boys were in there rooms and I was in mine. Did I get them and protect them? NO!! The police came and they saw the busted can in my sink. It had exploded and flown out the freezer. Now I have had some explode on me before but they make a mess in the freezer. How embarrassing.

    One time I pulled a gun on a mylar balloon. Thank goodness it wasn't loaded. I was home alone with my daughter. Some time in the middle of the night I heard, Pow pow pow. So I grab the gun and go down the hall...shaking like crazy the whole time. Anyway, imagine my surprise when I see it is my daughter's balloon.
    Thanks for the laugh Mara.


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