Monday, October 26, 2009

What I like to call... STRESS!

This weekend, we decided on a whim to tear up our house and make it new again. Nat and I are the kinda people that if we get an idea in our head, and its possible, we gotta like do it NOW and get it down ASAP! Started out last weekend, at midnight on Saturday, I mentioned that I wanted to paint... and we had a bunch of paint left from our house out in Mertzon. Nat said, ok lets do it right now... you dont gotta tell me that twice!! So we painted the living room last weekend. This weekend, Nat woke up and he was "itchin" to do something drastic to our house... He initially wanted to do the kitchen and put all new cabinets in... BUT, I was like hey, we got our flooring out in Mertzon that you could get and put in... and its FREE! So of course, being the wonderful man that he is, he went and pulled it all back up and came here and put it all back down. Easier said than done tho. It was a bit difficult at times to get it all done with the girls here but we managed.









ok... so children items fill my living room.... not furniture. We also did the hall.. but its just a boring 'ol hall with a desk in it.

Drove me up the wall.. but I survived.

and Madelynn...

she managed as well.

Nat does such a good job doin stuff like this! I am so thankful to have a man that can and will do this stuff for me... especially when I randomly come up with these crazy ideas. He is great at everything he does. Don't ya just wonder what went wrong with crazy people like that?? :)

On a side note, I HATE allergies.
and on a more important side note, Madelynn's 4 precious little teeth have finally come in enough to be brushed... so she learned how to brush her teeth today. It was a success.... almost to much of a success. She had a little melt down after I took it from her 15 minutes later. Speaking of melt downs, she now has many melt downs through out the day.. and its driving me crazy. If she dont get her way, watch out cuz she's gonna let you know about it. Whew man does that push my buttons.

brush 'em

Before, all wrapped up in the swaddler thing...

I love to watch her stretch and wiggle when she is unwrapped. Its like a beautiful butterfly being born. :)

**if you dont have one of these swaddle things, get one, and if you know someone havin a baby, get them one!! Its called the Miracle Blanket. They are the best things in the world. They sell them at Myers drug I believe. Someone gave this to me for Madelynn and it works wonders, it really does! I didn't think Payton liked to be swaddled so I never really did it, but the other day, I pulled this out and wrapped her up, and she slept through the night.. and has since. Not saying that it will help the kid sleep through the night.. just helped mine... and hey, I'll take my 2 month old sleeping through the night any day! Now if we could just get her sister on the wagon we'll be settin well!


  1. Wow! The house looks FANTASTIC! Way to go Mara for the great ideas and Nat for makin' em happen!

  2. The house looks great! Looks like a lot of work! Way to go!


The Dawn

 I sent my 13 year old to 7th grade, my 12 year old to 5th grade, my 11 year old to 4th grade, and my 4 year old to pre-k4. After 13 years o...