Sunday, August 22, 2010

Check- up

**Second post of the day. Scroll down if you missed the one about Stetson's room.

Wow, having 3 kids now I feel like I can blog all day long. :) There is always something to talk about.... and I'm always late on blogging because life is flying by me a million miles an hour and 4 days after the check up, I realize I never wrote about it. Not that you are probably to worried about it, but in order to keep up with and remember all these things about all these dad gum kids, you gotta write it all down, and this is where I write.

Anyways so Stetson's little 2 week check-up went great!! He weighed 5 lbs. 12oz. So he is gaining weight like a champ!! Other than that, he checked out great! Check-ups are always the best when you don't have anything to report.

ok, is it me, or is this Nat Jr.??? I look at him all the time and am totally blown away by how much he looks just like Nat!!! or maybe I am just missing him??

All I know is he is a little nugget butt and he is a sweet, sweet little boy!!!

Another thing about having 3 kids is the pictures. I now know why after child number 1, the pictures slowly fade to less and less. I vowed never to do that, and I am trying to keep up the picture taking but It is hard. Just got a lot to juggle right now. I hope once I get used to having the 3 kids all this will be easier. Going from 2 to 3 is a million times easier than going from 1 to 2. The only thing about going to 3 is just adding to the mix and feeling like you can't contain them all. Like trying to get a picture of the 3 of them is almost remotely impossible.. and getting them all corralled to the car is a complete work out. I know a lot of this has to do with their ages, and also the fact that some of the time I am having to do it all alone, where as Nat would usually be here to help me. So its all just going to take some getting used to.

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