I have lots of people asking me about Nat and how he is doing.. and also have lots of people asking about the house.... and I'm here to tell you all about it. Please don't be offended if you find out information from my blog. THIS is my way of communicating with you and letting you in on our lives.... and Nat doesn't have ANY spare time to keep people up to date. He hardly ever calls me... and doesn't even call his own mother for heavens sake. (I have gotten onto his for this... and appologized on his behalf to his mom.) :)
Nat is doing fan-tastic!! Other that having to be away from his family he is having the time of his life. This is his dream job!! I remember when we were barely, barely dating, he went on a trip to New Mexico with his family and (not sure if I have mentioned this, but his brother who lives in NM works for this same company Nat does) he was riding along with his brother while working and Nat just fell in love with the job. He wrote me a little note while he was there (which I still have) and talked all about it and how he would love to one day be able to work for Pason. He has been trying to get on with them since we were first married, and has always just had a passion for this.
Basically, in a nut shell... (and it has taken me awhile to figure all this out... and I still basically know nothing about what he does.) Pason sells their "stuff", stuff being computer stuff, smart stuff, make the oil field guys jobs much easier because everything they need to know is read by things and on a computer for them to see- type stuff. Make sense??? I know, doesn't make sense to me either.. but I am trying!!
So Nat's job is to install, un-install, fix anything and everything that goes wrong with Pason's "stuff". He has been riding with a "mentor" (his brother) for a little over a month now and on Thursday, he got his own rigs and is now on his own!! I am so proud of him for how good he is doing. He talks to me about it non stop (and I am usually so very lost.) He loves to drive which is a lot of what this job is. Driving miles and miles to the location, then driving out on dirt roads for miles and miles till you get to oil rig stay for another couple hours and fix stuff... that's right up Nat's alley... fixing stuff. He loves to take stuff apart and figure it all out and put it all back together... and I might add that he is pretty awesome at fixing anything that you put in front of him. Anyways... he has 5 of his own rigs right now, which just to show you how good he is at what he does, they usually start out with 3! As he progresses and gets faster and better at what he has to do he'll get more rigs.
and don't tell him I put this picture on here...
Thats what you get for NEVER letting me take your picture my love.
He has gained 10 lbs since he started working there 2 months ago!!! Little bitty Nat who could NEVER gain a pound no matter how much he tried, gained 10 POUNDS!!!! lol. I like to tease him about it. He is still perfect if you ask me. He really LOVES the fact that he gained weight. He has literally been TRYING (who TRIES to gain weight!??!) his whole life.
The house- They accepted most of our offer. There was one thing they turned down.. but thats alright with us. Me and the kids headed down there on Thursday so I could sign some papers and get the ball rolling. Were excited and can't wait!!! Just hope that everything goes smooth and we don't have any bumps in the road with all the stuff that goes with buying a house.
I lied.... here's an update on us too. The infamous question I have been asked over and over "how are you gonna travel down there alone with all the kids?!?!" Has been answered. My response was always "I have no idea!!!" cuz seriously, 3.5 hours in the car with a 2 year old who pees every 30 minutes, a 1 year old who hates to get in her carseat and drive around the block, and a 6 week old who is a 6 week old, sounds like one heck of a trip. But amazingly it went wonderful. Stopped once for a potty fake (ya know, the -I'm bored and gotta go potty- times) and one time for a real potty break, and to feed the little man. We made it in 3 hourse and 45 minutes. Pretty good timing if you ask me. The girls played and laughed most of the way down there. So that was a huge blessing. When one or the other fell asleep, the other didn't know what to do. It was sweet. Stetson does great! All he wants to do is eat and he travels well. It was fun to look in the rear view mirror and see the girls playing hearing them laugh together.
We had a fun time with Nat. This time around, Madelynn was SO excited so see him, and she actually treated him well and loved on him. That made the whole trip just a tad easier. Her not liking him in the past did a number on him, which made it hard for me.. which you know the saying... "If momma ain't happy.... " Anyways... we had a lot of fun together. Just all of us being together was nice. We hung out in the hotel a lot. Nat got called out on several service calls so he was gone some of the time.. but thats alright. We also took the girls to the park one evening.
Nat and his mini me. Goodness, could they look any more alike?!?!
sweet little Madelynn and her "cheese" face
My stetsy-boy turned 6 weeks on Friday. How in the heck has it been 6 weeks. He is just turning into such a handsome boy! Ugh I just love him to pieces. He is already taking 5 oz.'s and is getting so chubby. I'm so excited. I've never had a chubby baby... and I think he might be my only hope!! Not that he is even that chubby... just chubbier than the other 2 I have.
Payton in a nutshell...
There was an open field behind our hotel and we took the girls out to run around and get some energy out.
Nat took this picture for our nephew.
Cash!!! Uncle Nat wanted to take this picture just for you!!! He knew that you would like it. I think he said it was a crane??? but I bet you would know better than I would. :) Uncle Nat loves you and misses you!!
We took the girls to the park and Madelynn immediately went directly to this:
Thats high... and falling from such heights can cause damage. So the protective, mother bird in me had a heart attack...
...and I had a stroke when my 1 year old, my clumsy, trip over nothing, I have 3 bruises on my head, 3 scratches down the side of my face, and a swollen, red eye, 1 year old followed her big sister right up the steps.
They both snuck up a couple times while neither Nat, nor I was up there and all I could think of was them falling out the back side that is open. But they had so much fun.
"cheeeeeeeeeese momma"
I love dirt!!!
she is really into playing "kikaboo" as Madelynn would say.
even Stetson had a grand 'ol time.
We really enjoyed our visit with Nat.. I cannot wait till were together again. I know you've heard me say that before. Closing on the house will be Oct. 29th.. so that was kind of a bummer that we'll still be apart that much longer. Nat has a lot of days off coming up so I'm excited that he'll be here a lot.
10 pounds?! I once gained 10 pounds in one month while in Europe and believe me it was NOT a good thing!! haha Ya'll look like you're thriving although I know its hard having Nat being gone!! Thanks for all the updates! I really do enjoy keeping up with ya'lls life!