Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day

Unfortunately, we weren't able to make the trip to Angelo this holiday.... we have been traveling like INSANE lately.
So we had a fun day celebrating another very special daddy in our lives.
We, on a whim, decided we would celebrate Saturday as Nat already had a job to do on Sunday...... turns out it was a great idea cuz he worked from sun up, to sun down!!

We just had a fun day hanging out. I'm a pretty lucky gal to be married to such a man. Not only is he a super man... but he is a super dad... and I love him! He takes the word "daddy" to the max. Not only is he there physically for his kids, but he is there in all other aspects of life. He takes such good care of them, and loves them unconditionally... and I love him!!!

I completely screwed up his requested dinner... thats always fun, when your husband who doesn't ever have a whole lot to say about what he eats for lack of ever caring about what he eats... asks for his favorite meal, and you screw it up. 
Note to self: don't try a "new, healthier" way to make his favorite meal. ;) I'm glad he was honest, cuz it honestly was disgusting.... I don't think I've ever succeeded with making a disgusting meal.... but I did... on Fathers Day. It was a good laugh. 

This year was fun, as Madelynn was all into picking out a card for her daddy and writing her name. The card turned out pretty sweet. I could just stare at those mixed up, squiggly, perfect little letters all day. Seriously, is there anything sweeter?!?

snotty boy!

Its always a joke between us how, since we got married, I refuse to use Charmin toilet paper and/or Viva paper towels... the 2 things that he has grown up with and loves the most..... I just CANT do either. Just can't do it....
When you get married, you gotta learn those little quirks about each other, and make compromises.... but I just can't compromise for those 2 things. I love him to death.. but lets be honest here... I'll be using both products more than he, right?? 
So, on special occasions, he gets his favorite toilet paper/paper towels. :)
I'm a mean wife, aren't I??

I also got him a gun bag for his AR-15... He's been wanting/needing one so he was super excited about it!!!

He got his "baby" all put up in the new case, and got all his "baby's" items put up nice and neat in the bag and it was perfect for him!!

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