Thursday, June 28, 2012


Two years ago, I was sitting in the salon chair, getting my hair cut when my husband called 8 times.... and when I finally answered, thinking he would tell me he was dead on the side of the road, he shared some ground shaking news..... he had a job offer, in another state.... and he left me to go to that new state a few short weeks later... and we've lived there for a year and a half now!!! 

Well, thats the short version of the story. If you've been reading long, I'm sure that you can remember the ups and downs of this move. I was sad, depressed, stayed home day in and day out all alone as my one and only piece of familiarity worked long, long hours. I had no help. No close family. 
It was hard. 

Thinking back on it now, It brings tears to my eyes.. how far the Lord brought me in that year and a half. I grew to be the person I am today... that is better than that person sitting in the chair when I got that phone call. Not only did I grow as a person, but our marriage is that much stronger for being alone in life!! Having to depend solely on each other for everything! 
All this to say, It was the most challenging, horribly wonderful year and a half in my life!! 

Several months after leaving, It was  late, late and we were driving back to Mertzon/San Angelo for a visit and we had one of "those" talks... one of those that you never forget, and think on often. We talked about the beauty of our hometown, and how much we desired to bring our kids back here and raise them. We didn't want to raise them anywhere else but there.


The Lord has heard our prayers for our children... and that important conversation we had together so long ago....
We have moved back to San Angelo!!!!
I know, I still can't believe it either.....

We found out that there was a job opening in San Angelo.... and I kinda freaked out!! 
Could this be it??
Is this the open door, and our key back "home"
After lots of husband/wife back and forth should we do this, should we not do this and praying the Lords guidance in the situation... we both agreed this could be it, and put in for the transfer. 

The loooonnnnggggeeesssstttt 3 days of my life, waiting to hear yay or nay from the boss, he came back with a "how soon can you be there" answer.... 
really, how soon, like YESTERDAY!!!!
We were THRILLED!!! 

So, I packed my little heart out for a few days, and we both worked our butts off trying to get our family here with our essentials... and we are here.... living in our little house out here in Mertzon.. .waiting for our house to sell back in NM... 

Hence the wwooooowwww title!!
Talk about a whirlwind. Literally all this in a weeks time!!!
and they turned our internet off 3 days too soon, leaving me very little computer time so sorry about the "late notice" ;)
The kids and I snuck off to Mcd's more than once to mooch off the internet. ;) 
It was a win win for all of us!!!

I told my mom It hasn't clicked that were living here... usually, when we're here, we're eating out, eating with parents... not doing things like grocery shopping, cooking meals and such... I'm waiting for that "click" to happen so I can try and get our family on a schedule, and a new norm!!

We are excited about this change!! Pray with us as we try and sell our house!!! 
and as we adjust to this move. Even though its a GOOD thing to be here, moving is always hard on little kids, were adjusting to the hour change... (and we all know how fun that is with kids when we change our clocks each spring/fall) 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fathers Day

Unfortunately, we weren't able to make the trip to Angelo this holiday.... we have been traveling like INSANE lately.
So we had a fun day celebrating another very special daddy in our lives.
We, on a whim, decided we would celebrate Saturday as Nat already had a job to do on Sunday...... turns out it was a great idea cuz he worked from sun up, to sun down!!

We just had a fun day hanging out. I'm a pretty lucky gal to be married to such a man. Not only is he a super man... but he is a super dad... and I love him! He takes the word "daddy" to the max. Not only is he there physically for his kids, but he is there in all other aspects of life. He takes such good care of them, and loves them unconditionally... and I love him!!!

I completely screwed up his requested dinner... thats always fun, when your husband who doesn't ever have a whole lot to say about what he eats for lack of ever caring about what he eats... asks for his favorite meal, and you screw it up. 
Note to self: don't try a "new, healthier" way to make his favorite meal. ;) I'm glad he was honest, cuz it honestly was disgusting.... I don't think I've ever succeeded with making a disgusting meal.... but I did... on Fathers Day. It was a good laugh. 

This year was fun, as Madelynn was all into picking out a card for her daddy and writing her name. The card turned out pretty sweet. I could just stare at those mixed up, squiggly, perfect little letters all day. Seriously, is there anything sweeter?!?

snotty boy!

Its always a joke between us how, since we got married, I refuse to use Charmin toilet paper and/or Viva paper towels... the 2 things that he has grown up with and loves the most..... I just CANT do either. Just can't do it....
When you get married, you gotta learn those little quirks about each other, and make compromises.... but I just can't compromise for those 2 things. I love him to death.. but lets be honest here... I'll be using both products more than he, right?? 
So, on special occasions, he gets his favorite toilet paper/paper towels. :)
I'm a mean wife, aren't I??

I also got him a gun bag for his AR-15... He's been wanting/needing one so he was super excited about it!!!

He got his "baby" all put up in the new case, and got all his "baby's" items put up nice and neat in the bag and it was perfect for him!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Dad.

Happy Fathers Day to my amazing Dad!!!
I am thankful that God gave me to you... that I was raised by a Godly man....
Thankful for all those times mom said no, and you said yes. :)
Thankful that you were our provider and sustainer for us.
Thankful for the vacations we took as a family. The memories are coveted.
Thankful you accepted my letters slipped under your door.. instead of making me talk.
Thankful for you pushing me to be and do my best... even when I didn't want to.
Thankful for the PaPa that you are to my kids... they're blessed to have you in their life.

Love you, Dad.

Friday, June 8, 2012

San Antonio.

My sisters and a couple of their friends came to visit right after we got back from Key West.... It was fun... interesting to add 4 teenage girls to the mix, but I think it was a fun week. My kids LOVED having the girls here... and I'm sure that they drove those girls bonkers!!

We finally got our pool up!! 

We've had this little trip planned with my family for a little while now... even though we had all been away from home for quite a long stretch, we picked up and left again. Crazy?? 
Yes. It was crazy.... but it was sooo much fun!! 
We just had a couple days in San Antonio and I wanted to go to the River Walk and Sea World.... oh and shopping... but that didn't happen.

We completely did NOT realize that we were heading to San Antonio on Memorial Day weekend....So all places were slightly crammed, but we managed! 

Our first stop was the River Walk. It was shoulder to shoulder with people. Hot, humid and crammed. The beginning of our time was slightly un-enejoyable with 3 kids+double stroller+ water+a million people. After we ate and some time went on, it was much easier to enjoy!! 

 My dad... trying to embarrass my sisters....

 Madelynn had just fallen asleep when we got there so she was a zombie the first little while.
 We ate some yuuummmmy Mexican food for dinner.

We did the boat ride on the river.. the kids were DONE at this point and the boat ride was possibly a bit too long for their tired little souls.

The next day we hit Sea World... which I've ben dying to take the kids there since Madelynn was born!!!!! It was perfect for them!! Stetson and Payton couldn't really do the kiddy rides, but Madelynn and I had a BLAST riding together!! I've never seen that kid so happy. It was precious!!

The kids loved the shows!! 

Next up we went to the Bay Of Play area that was solely for the little guys!! It was a blast!! The kids had so much fun running through the water and cooling off.

Butt crack action!

nasty kids

My dad.... and one of his picture with the phone moments. There were many.
Its a family joke... my dad and his phone pics. ;)

We were able to meet up with one of my cousins, and my uncle for the day. The girls had fun getting to know Faith, my cousin's sweet little girl.
This is her and Payton. She is 2 weeks older than Payton... and she is taller than Madelynn!! 


Next I wanted to take Madelynn on some of the rides. She had been begging all day!! She is definitely her mama's girl, thats for sure. 

We were there from 10 AM to 8 PM... The kids were troopers and had an AWESOME day!!

As we were leaving, Payton spent a good amount of time trying to keep bub from the road. It was quite funny. He knew exactly what he was doing... and knew that he was aggravating his 2nd mama AKA his sister. She kept that boy on the ground so he would NOT go in the road.

The Dawn

 I sent my 13 year old to 7th grade, my 12 year old to 5th grade, my 11 year old to 4th grade, and my 4 year old to pre-k4. After 13 years o...